Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just because it had been a while....

Yup, more snow. 4 - 5 inches in various parts of the county (or so I've heard... not quite that much here). The jury is still out about Monday.

Chloe's first question when she saw the snow.... "This is NEW snow? That no dogs have pooped in? I can EAT IT!!! Hooray!!"

Trying on daddy's motorcycle helmet
Monkey see.... monkey do
AH... what a man already
Gavin's first whole apple. We weren't paying attention and he handed daddy back the stem, and ONLY the stem. Whoops...


Jeanette said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a snow day for you. Unless that means you have to make it up later...

Gavin on the potty is too funny!

The Woodstock Masons said...

Great pics...I laughed all the way through the commentary...even made Ken listen to me read it all off!

MorganFamily said...

Snow day it was! Now, about Tuesday.....