Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Help Name the Baby

We need help picking out girl names for Baby Boccolucci.
Add your suggestion to the comments section. If we pick your name you get a prize.*

And NO - we don't know that it is a girl, we are just better at picking out boy names.

*Prize valid only for family and friends. Must not be present at birth to win. Void in Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

33 Weeks

Sooo Big!

My own alien.....

Okay, so here is the baby... looking down. This whole picture is the face. Forehead at the top left corner, chin pointing to bottom right corner. Its sure looks like it has a grin, doesn't it? I have never seen a baby this far along on u/s and was surprised at how big it was. They couldn't get the whole baby in, just pieces here and there. Dan and I were a little freaked out by this pic. No baby-ish blob here.... this is a skull plain and simple.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Mr. Personality

So, Evan's personality is rapidly developing and rapidly changing every few minutes!
Here's a snapshot of a few of his many sides!
I'm so happy. I love to clap!
Uh oh! Naked boy on the loose!
TAKE THAT! Looks like trouble ahead!
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Comparison pics due to request :)

These two pictures are of me this time at 24.5 weeks
And the following are me at around the same time (give or take a week or two in one direction or another. I would say maybe a week or so later). Um.... please no one mention how much fatter I got with Chloe.... I've already noticed. But this time I am all belly! Does it mean anything? We shall see....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

a couple pics

This is Chloe's favorite game. We rigged her car with Jessie's leash and she could ride around all day!

Due to popular request, here is a belly pic WITH a face. Is it just me or does that baby look low?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Chloe's Halloween costume

After a major computer meltdown, we can finally post pictures again, from our new beautiful Mac. Anyway, here is Chloe... the pink poodle. She has a cold/runny nose in these pics, but you get the idea.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Happy Halloween

Ev's first Trick or Treat bounty- juice from Audrey!
A little monkey on the go!
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Our trip to PA

Pre-croup episode and decked out for the game!
Day 1 of croup! Sad baby and tired mommy and daddy.
At the Joe Pa shrine, the Motrin is working, see the smile?
Friends, Craig and Cindy Wetzel- the view from our B and B.
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The Bday Boy

Evan has recently learned the yoga position downward dog!
Opening a present from our neighbor, Audrey.
Ev's bday cake was pumpkin pie! He didn't seem to mind.
Having fun with his train from Granma K and hat from Audrey.
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