Sunday, July 06, 2008

Shirt color

Okay, so I have a feeling I will have to go shopping no matter what, so we should decide on a color now. The winners were blue and white. The "others" that were suggested were brown and gray. My only problem with brown is that I haven't seen anything for Chloe in brown, but I can look. Post here and lets decide for certain.



Jeanette said...

White with Evan is not a good idea. I vote for blue and khaki again.

Sarah said...

I vote for blue again too.

MorganFamily said...

Okay... so blue it is. Now, do we care what kind of blue? Gavin has a lot of light blue. Chloe only has girly turquoise so I will have to buy her a shirt no matter what. Anyone care?

Sarah said...

I don't care either way. I think light blue is easier to find for kids.

Sarah said...

I found a navy onsie in Max's closet so navy also works for me.

MorganFamily said...

I vote for light blue since that is easier to find for Chloe... any objections? Going once.... going twice....

Sarah said...


Jeanette said...

Are we wearing khaki pants again? light blue shirts. Will do.