Monday, July 14, 2008

More Summer Fun

We went to the beach down the road from our apartment and had a blast. The water was very warm and Evan would walk out until the water was at his chin level and then launch himself at me or David. He doesn't seem to mind getting his face wet, but does a lot of sputtering. He needs to learn to hold his breath. We worked on kicking and he seemed to be getting the idea.
He loves being thrown around in the water.

Future Olymypic freestyle champion, once he learns not to bend his knees.
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MorganFamily said...

Evan - your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to get Chloe in Grandma's pool. You are such a brave boy! But you might need to tone down the splashing for our little princess. Who am I kidding... tone down the splashing... ha ha!


Grandma Morgan said...

Grandma is ready for all of you!