Wednesday, May 30, 2012

MA Chickens

We finally got our chicks last Friday. The boys were so excited and started shouting "I hear the chicks!" before we were even out of the car. Truth be told, you could hear the chicks from the parking lot.

Since bringing them home, I cannot tell you how many times I have had to tell the kids to put the chickens away. This is not a directive one might expect to hear in a typical household, but I am quite sure any family with chickens know exactly what I mean!

We ended up coming home with three more than we ordered (there are so many kinds and they are so cheap-it can't be helped), but three were backordered. We'll pick those up on this Friday to bring our flock up to 9 birds.

The Rhode Island Reds are named Speak, Peep, and Cheep. No one knows which is which. The all black chick is the most loved by Evan and named Midnight. Snow White is Nick's darling, and the Black Star (black chick with white on his head) is named Golfy-the name Nick chose back in March.
These are some pretty sophisticated chicks and have skyped with several of my family members! If your kiddos want to skype, just let us know!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay for chicks! It is very easy to get more than you planned and ours have "community names" since we can't tell the ones from the same breed apart.