Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Thing of Beauty

Okay, so I admit, he is my child and I am partial to watching soccer. That said, Evan really is something to watch when he is playing soccer. He is a relentless defender both in and out of the goal net and he is always on the ball! These pictures were all from his first class and he has come so far in the last three weeks that both of the coaches have now asked me if he had prior experience with soccer! (I'm such a proud mama!)

Standing on his spot for instruction above and practicing "squishing the ball" below. Notice the tongue out?
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Jeanette said...

I forgot to mention that Evan MUST wear his soccer clothing for soccer practice and his basketball clothing for basketball! This kid is certianly his father's son! We now have multiple dri-fit outfits for each sport and he absolutely loves the dri-fit material. He goes through about 3 outfits/day so that he can be appropriately attired for each activity we have on the schedule!

Grandma Morgan said...

He is his father's son!