Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chloe loves to cook

Chloe loves loves loves to cook. Here she is helping dad cut up some smoked lox for our dinner. She is using her plastic knife and cutting board from her kitchen set.

Unfortunately, Chloe kept eating all that she cut.... not such a great help! But darn cute anyway.


Jeanette said...

Chloe! I am so jealous! Lox is on the restricted list for preggos and wouldn't you know it is one of the few foods that sounds good to me! Also, can she please come over and teach my fussy little man to eat? He used to be such a good eater.

Grandma Morgan said...

You have a minature David on your hands. Now you know what I went through. Chloe does like to cook! I am glad Dan puts up with her "helping." Maybe she will be a FIP chef in the future...you never know.