Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Evan's First Hair Cut

My hair dresser had requested to do Evan's first cut, so we made a trip to the salon today. Evan was in rare form, extremely active and grumpy. Needless to say, it was a bit of a challenge and actually took two hairdressers to the get the job done; one cutting and the other distracting him by spritzing the water bottle. The whole process took about 15 minutes. He doesn't look all that different.

This is my hairdresser, Lezina.
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MorganFamily said...

He looks a little dazed by the whole experience! But, as usual, he is adorable! I think his hair looks a little different in that "all done" shot there. They do have their days don't they? And it is always when you want to show them off!

Kisses from aunt Cheryl,


Sarah said...

Handsome Devil!
Glad to see the overalls fit.

Aunt Sarah

Grandma Morgan said...

He is my man!!! I cant believe he sat still long enough even with "holders".