Well, Nick's birthday was one heck of a day. He woke up with a low-grade fever (only the second in his first year).
It was incredibly hot and humid, so we broke out the water table and kiddy pool only to have an epic thunderstorm and downpour begin precisely at the start of the party. The storm continued off and on for the next 36 hours. Nick was really feeling under-the-weather and did not want to do much of anything aside from sleep. We thought he was just teething, but it appears that he and Evan both have hand, foot, and mouth virus. I've already promised dinners to any families that get it from my kids. We all feel so bad!
Opening Aunt Sarah's present. Thank you, Aunt Sarah!
This is Rody, a present from Uncle Pat and Aunt Kim. I was told Uncle Pat carried this toy under his arm about 3 miles through Boston last week. It is basically one of those bouncy balls that you ride on. Nick was really scared of it at first, but in this picture he worked up the courage to touch it. Today, he tried feeding it blocks and gave it a few pats on the head. Evan adores it.
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