Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baby Boccolucci

The top of the head is towards the right side of picture.


Grandma Morgan said...

Yahoo another grandbaby!

monica said...

HI BABY!!!! :o)

MorganFamily said...

Hi little one! I am off to snuggle your cousin "partner" and can't wait to snuggle you! Wasn't it so thoughtful how we made sure each of them had a cousin partner-in-crime!? ;)

Seriously though, the u/s now looks like you have an actual baby in there! Hooray! Now is when it starts to get really exciting!!!


Jeanette said...

That's a good ultrasound. Hold your hat, the last half goes quickly (until you hit week 40, anyway).

monica said...

Oh my God! That lady swallowed a baby!