Friday, May 08, 2009

May is skin cancer awareness month!

Just thought I would put up a post surgery picture since Sarah and I were laughing about how strange it would be to put it on here.... I am told by a whole host of liars that it "isn't that big". But I am not concerned, much rather have a scar than skin cancer! I am sure once the stitches come out, it will look much better. (fingers crossed)


Grandma Morgan said...

After seeing your first surgery, this is not that much bigger. I am sure it will not scar if you do what the doc suggested. Thank God you were able to catch it in time. All of you, please use alot of sunscreen. A tan looks nice, but you can get it out of a bottle now.

Jeanette said...

Glad things went well and I hope it heals up well for you. I agree, a scar is better than cancer. I hope it doesn't hurt too much, that is a lot of stitches.